How to Install and Configure WordPress AMP Plugin

How can I enable accelerated mobile pages on my WordPress website after installing the AMP plugin? What is the most effective AMP plugin? What plugin also works with WooCommerce products? Learn more and follow the step-by-step instructions!

Do you want to install Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your WordPress site? If so, simply follow the instructions; it is a pretty simple task!

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a must-have method for making your website load faster on mobile devices and increasing your website’s ranking in mobile search results. Fast-loading websites provide a better user experience and may increase your SERP and traffic.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to install the WordPress amp plugin on your website. Don’t be perplexed. With only a few clicks, you can enable AMP for your website.

Prepare to turbocharge your website’s mobile version (AMP actually builds a mobile optimised version of your website automatically, so no concerns there)!

What Is Google AMP, Exactly?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google term that stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is an open source initiative funded by companies such as Twitter and Google. The project’s goal has always been to help material load faster for mobile consumers, as wireless internet connections are typically slower than cable connections.

Google launched the AMP project in October 2015. AMP is the abbreviation for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Google’s goal with this work is to increase cellular surfing velocity and give a significantly improved consumer experience for internet mobile consumers.

AMP makes use of very little HTML and only a little amount of Javascript. It enables this information to be hosted on the AMP cache of search engines. When people click on your hyperlink within the search result, Google might serve this cached edition to them immediately.

It’s very similar to Facebook Instant articles. Nonetheless, Instant Articles are limited to the Facebook system, particularly its mobile apps.

AMP is platform-independent and may be used by any app, web browser, or internet viewer. It is currently used by Google, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, and others.

Pros of The Google AMP:

  • AMP is totally the free plus open source.
  • AMP can help your WordPress site load faster. Additionally, keep in mind that speed is a ranking element, which means that a faster website ranks higher than a slower website.
  • Improved placements in SERPs with a carousel likelihood result in a higher CTR. Google AMP increased CTRs by 600 percent in a single installation with a favoured publication!
  • Could affect the conversions a positive way.
  • A lot of improvements have already been done in the last year, and advertising alternatives are now simply available in Google AMP. It means all websites can preserve or even boost their AdSense profits.
  • Automatic image marketing (even conversion to the WebP format!)
  • Additionally, AMP Lite optimises for low-bandwidth networks. Google reported a 45 percent reduction in total bytes.

Cons of the Google AMP:

  • AMP is not a significant ranking factor at the moment. Nevertheless, it is inevitable. It is possible to find both a pro and a con. However, we strongly advise you to begin using it immediately. Without a doubt, its significance will grow in the future.
  • AMP could be hard to put into action if you are not a programmer. However, the WordPress platform easier than others thanks to easy to use plugins available.
  • Could hurt or perhaps impact your conversions in a negative way.
  • There continue to be reports of AMP messing up stats in the Google Analytics.
  • Some have observed even worse engagement and larger bounce traffic.
  • There are a lot of third party scripts and applications that may not be supported.
  • A few old internet browsers, such as Internet Explorer 11, provide no support. They may have stated that they will support the two most recent versions of popular browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge, Opera, and Safari. Furthermore, they support desktop, tablet, phone, and web view versions of the respective browsers.

How to Setup Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in WordPress:

There are two steps to employing AMP on the WordPress site:

  1. Install the AMP plugin and
  2. Install additional plugins for more options.
    For more details, follow our step by step guidelines on how to set up a WordPress plugin.

There are various AMP plugins available, we have tested all of them, and based on our experiences we are currently recommending WP AMP by TeamDevIt is the best AMP plugin for WordPress that also supports Woocommerce and Adsense. The plugin is actively developed and constantly updated, which is extremely important as we are speaking about fast developing relatively new technology.

It supports Woocommerce, tags, Yoast SEO, Adsense, and more features. It is, however, a premium plugin, which means it is not free. However, investing $39 in a professionally managed AMP plugin is a wise decision that will return dividends in the shape of improved SEO, greater traffic, and a better user experience for mobile users.

Click the button below, and purchase / downoad AMP for WP from AMP Project Contributors

General AMP settings

The next step is to activate the AMP plugin in the same way that all plugins are activated; simply upload and activate! You can now proceed with the setup. It is simple to use the plugin. It doesn’t get any easier than this! When you enable it, it automatically generates AMP variants for your entire website.

On activation, follow the Settings » WP AMP.The General tab allows you to configure your Google Analytics code and Facebook Pixel ID. If you don’t need them, leave them blank. Next, choose Redirect Mobile Users and configure the appropriate width for AMP content. You may now select all post kinds and archives. Enable Ads, compatibility mode, and RTL are all options. Keep the final Debug mode enabled when testing your new AMP-powered website, but remember to turn it off afterwards.

Go through all settings, but in the most cases there is no need to change default settings. Never forget to click upon the actual save key to store up your changes! As said in the beginning, you can enable AMP just with a few mouse clicks, and you have actually now enabled it and you have AMP website ready! Navigate to to see it in action!

Below is the example screenshot, your mobile website should look something like that. Most likely there is significant difference to your standard version, but that’s fine. It is mobile optimized, and should load lightning fast even with slow internet connections.

Appearance settings

Next tab allows you to customize colors, fonts, add favicon and logo, and set up header menu, footer text, and choose if you want to show meta data and social sharing buttons.

Templates settings

The preceding tab allows you to choose additional parameters for posts, pages, 404 pages, search pages, blog pages, and archives. You can leave things alone or make modifications if you choose. You can add custom HTML, select whether or not to use featured images and ad blocks, and so on. WP AMP comes with a comprehensive user manual, which you should read thoroughly!

Schema settings

Plugin supports basic Schema, which is great for SEO. You could set up your logo nad content types for posts and Woocommerce.

AMP for Adsense

Plugin supports also Google Adsense ads, so you can easily monetize also your mobile website!

AMP for Woocommerce

What’s great with WP AMP is that it works perfectly also with Woocommerce. If you are running ecommerce store using WordPress and Woocommerce, here you can adjust related settings. We at have tested this plugin with various online stores, and we have it in active use. It creates lightweight, lighting fast mobile version of your shop for mobile users. However, if you don’t use Woocommerce, then you can just skip setting in this tab.


The most common issue is 404 error afetr enabling AMP. If you notice a 404 error when attempting to see the amp version, here is what you have to do: Check out Settings » Permalinks page in your WordPress admin plus click on the ‘Save Changes’ key. It will renew your website’s permalink framework. You should do that also every time you update the plugin.

There’s troubleshooting tab, form where you will find useful tips for solving other possible issues.

Viewing AMP pages in Google Search console is also good way no to only keep track of traffic and performance, but spot possible issues, as errors will be highlighted and described there!

View Accelerated Mobile Pages in Google Search Console:

Need to know how the Accelerated Mobile Pages are performing in Google Search? You can check this using the Google Search Console easily. Get on your Google Search Console dashboard and select Search Appearance » Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Don’t worry in case you would not see your AMP outcomes immediately. It may take some time for Google to index your AMP and display data in search Console.

Other AMP plugins for WordPress

If you are not willing to invest in WP AMP, there are also free alternatives such as:

However, we strongly recommend getting WP AMP as it is stable, regularly updated and well tested all-in solution. Most free plugins lack some important features, or at least require to install extensions such as Glue for Yoast SEO etc., which might not be free and could cause even compatibility issues.

Final Thought:

Enabling AMP for WordPress is a great method to speed up your website for mobile users. It should also help your site rank higher in mobile searches, minimise bounce rate, and enhance CTR. However, AMP is not appropriate for every website. The biggest drawbacks are design-related, as AMP is fairly simple. If you can live with it, then go ahead and get AMP!

We hope the preceding guide has assisted you in learning how to install the WordPress amp plugin on WordPress. If you need any help getting started with Google AMP for WordPress, please leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to assist.

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My name is Nohman Habib and I am a web developer with over 10 years of experience, programming in Joomla, Wordpress, WHMCS, vTiger and Hybrid Apps. My plan to start is to share my experience and expertise with others. Here my basic area of focus is to post tutorials primarily on Joomla development, HTML5, CSS3 and PHP.

Nohman Habib


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